OneMeasure Perks & Permissions

Hi OneMeasure Perks user! Here’s a quick tutorial on how to turn on permissions so you can start earning 160 perks every day. Remember, the more you earn, the more you get in gift cards!

To earn daily perks, please make sure the permissions listed below have been enabled.

Here’s how you check: open the app and look at the top of the home page – if you’re missing a permission it will tell you (to enable just tap on the red triangle or go to app settings and follow the prompts).

Why do we do this?

You earn while we learn. We’re a consumer research firm that helps companies improve their products and services. Because smartphones are used daily, companies are interested in how consumers interact with apps along with network performance (for example, is the network delivering reliable connectivity).

In addition to collecting engagement and performance data, your opinion matters which is why we have the survey feature and why you will earn more perks by taking them.

What’s in this for you?

What we do and don’t collect from your smartphone.

Data We Collect

  • your email address so we can verify that you’re a real person
  • when and where you open an app and for how long
  • mobile network performance stats like data speeds, call failures, and signal strength
  • demographics such as your age, gender, ethnicity, and other similar things

Data We Don’t Collect

  • your name
  • your physical address
  • websites you visit
  • web searches you conduct
  • videos you watch
  • content you post or text
  • what you do when using an app
  • phone call conversations

For more information about what we do and don’t do – check the policies in the settings screen in the app or read our privacy-policy here.

Got questions? Check out our FAQ page, or contact us at